SpecPro is implementing actions supporting the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan.
SpecPro provides administrative and technical services to the Fort Campbell’s Cultural Resources Management Program, to avoid, minimize, and mitigate for adverse effects to historic properties by military training, construction, and other installation activities in order to meet the National Historic Preservation Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Archaeological Resources Protection Act compliance
SpecPro provides technical biological services supporting endangered species, wetlands, game, and non-game management necessary to meet regulatory compliance with the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Clean Water Act, Sikes Act, and various state regulations.
SpecPro is also supporting outreach events (e.g., Earth Day, Career Day, Clean Streams, etc.) to Fort Campbell and the local community through attendance and distribution of educational materials.
"As an avid outdoorsman, hunter, angler and recreationist, I have greatly appreciated the obvious hard work the team does to make our outdoor experiences on Fort Campbell successful and memorable… thanks to SpecPro, and their assistance with the whole (Hunting and Fishing) program has been outstanding. They deserve great accolades for their role in assuring the program is well represented to the public. Thanks again to the team for all you do to enrich the outdoor experience, please keep up the excellent work.”Customer Evaluation
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