Our Clients

Client Testimonials
"The SPS staff have exceeded schedule requirements consistently and have been creative in finding efficiencies to accomplish this. They have been able to quickly mobilize and respond to unexpected and temporary increases in workload."CPARS
"SPS’ management is always professional, accessible, and responsive. Management meets me in person on a regular basis to make sure they are exceeding my expectations. SPS recruits highly-qualified and capable professionals and retains key personnel with institutional knowledge."CPARS
“This contractor is very easy to work with, an advantage of small size. There are no layers of management to work through. BTS, LLC worked hard toward customer satisfaction, making changes based on feedback quickly and effectively in all areas.”CPARS
“Keep doing what you are doing, you both are making the difference in the success of your contract.”Client
The contractor routinely provided work products that exceeded the contract performance requirements.”CPARS
"SPS is the best company I have worked with and I have been managing Federal environmental programs for over 30 years."COR
"It is rare to have such great support, and we greatly appreciate all the expertise and new ideas that the SPS team has brought to the BRAC program."COR
“The contractor provided immediate response to technical and administrative requests, and maintained a high level of professionalism in interactions with EPA and non-EPA (e.g., PRP) personnel.”CPARS
"SPS has exceeded the expectations of supporting the mission of the 63d Readiness Division by maintaining positive relationships with local, state, and federal regulators."CPARS
"The contractor used well-defined and well-organized staffing plans that included cost- effective use of junior- and mid-level staff members, resulting in cost savings to USEPA."CPARS
"The contractor has been very helpful with providing documentation and procedural information. They are very thorough and timely. They have gone beyond expectations with the quality of the documentation provided regarding calculations and regulatory compliance objectives."CPARS
“The contractor routinely submitted work products ahead of deadlines and provided expedited support as requested. During this period, deliverables prepared were submitted ahead of the contract-required deadline.”CPARS
"The contractor’s consistent and timely performance has given the regulators confidence in the data provided. This has significantly increased cooperation and enhanced the relationship between the Army and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources"CPARS
"SpecPro’s dedication directly contributed to the Wing earning its first-ever blue (exceptional) rating in an Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Compliance Assessment Management Program (ESOHCAMP) protocol."Client
"Exceptional Management execution of programs. SPS’ management is always professional, accessible, and responsive. SPS recruited highly-qualified and capable professionals and retained key personnel with institutional knowledge."CPARS
"Their work products are so consistently professional and accurate that they have helped the 63d establish favorable relationships with regulators, tribes, agencies, and other stakeholders across our seven state operating area. I view SPS as consultants with significant reach-back capability in every subject."CPARS
"SPS' transition from the incumbent was seamless and there was no gap in service or knowledge. They anticipate needs and arrange subcontractor support on projects in a way that fits seamlessly with the rest of the Environmental team’s efforts."CPARS
“Locally, the senior staff stands out. They are involved, informed, and proactive. They truly believe in providing the best possible support for the installation and are constantly looking for ways to save Army dollars. This contractor deserves accolades. BTS, LLC emphasizes safety constantly and results of operations. Key Personnel management is excellent.”CPARS
“As an avid outdoorsman, hunter, angler and recreationist, I have greatly appreciated the obvious hard work the team does to make our outdoor experiences on Fort Campbell successful and memorable… thanks to SpecPro, and their assistance with the whole (Hunting and Fishing) program has been outstanding. They deserve great accolades for their role in assuring the program is well represented to the public. Thanks again to the team for all you do to enrich the outdoor experience, please keep up the excellent work.”Customer Evaluation
"I wanted to thank SPS for the outstanding performance before, during, and after the UP Workshop. As a team, you all showed initiative, creativity, and professionalism. I never had to worry if something was being done or done correctly, you were always ahead of the curve, willing to take the extra steps, and always mindful of the results. It was my sincere pleasure to work with SPS on this. The success of the Workshop rests largely on your efforts. Many have already paid compliments on the Workshop.”Client
“SSE has a complete understanding of the contract and requirements, a state-of-the-art understanding of the work, a labor mix appropriate for the work where all staff has a good understanding of their own tasks and responsibilities, a system of immediate resolution of any issues that arise in a timely and effective manner, developed all elements of the invoices and monthly reports to be clear and reasonable, and a Project Manager who is very effective and has excellent communication and organization skills.”CPARS
“They have met or exceeded requirements in almost every indicator. The company aggressively addresses all non-conformities and has a robust quality system in place, truly independent of local management. Importantly, this company involves quality personnel in all planning as well as operational activities. This is a real strength of this organization.”CPARS
“About 48 hours ago the Dorm AMP manager and I were handed a short fused tasker to produce a deep dive on dorms for the PACAF Commander, with a pre-brief … on Monday morning. Our team from Spec Pro…joined in the fight and quickly produced several very intricate and enlightening analysis products to support the brief followed by a couple hours of prepping me for the pre-brief .... I just wanted to drop you a note to share with their leadership on how appreciative IZB is of their efforts and the phenomenal assistance they provided.”Client Email
“Management is very responsive to Army's needs. They are extremely flexible and try to anticipate demands upon them. That is essential for an installation support contractor. A great example is their paying attention to weather forecasts in the winter. They had a task to plow snow and were proactive in scheduling assets based on forecasts, allowing the installation to remain open in bad winter weather when other activities in the area were closed.”CPARS