Client: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
SpecPro performed:
- Routine operation and maintenance of the groundwater extraction system
- Maintenance of monitoring wells
- Analytical discharge sampling to ensure that discharge permit requirements were met
- Periodic sample collection and delivery to enable groundwater environmental monitoring, analysis, and reporting/documentation
- Any emergent or non-routine needs that were related to the Long Term Remedial Action for Operational Unit 1
SpecPro also:
- Checked for the potential release of volatile organic compounds through environmental air monitoring around the pump houses and sanitary sewer manholes
- Maintained records of environmental air monitoring
- Recorded observations on the Inspection Report Checklists to ensure quality assurance
"The contractor used well-defined and well-organized staffing plans that included cost- effective use of junior- and mid-level staff members, resulting in cost savings to USEPA."CPARS
"The contractor routinely provided work products that exceeded the contract performance requirements."CPARS
“The contractor routinely submitted work products ahead of deadlines and provided expedited support as requested. During this period, deliverables prepared were submitted ahead of the contract-required deadline.”CPARS
“The contractor provided immediate response to technical and administrative requests, and maintained a high level of professionalism in interactions with EPA and non-EPA (e.g., PRP) personnel.”CPARS
Services Offered: