Client: Badger Army Ammunition Plant
SpecPro performs environmental remediation and restoration services at Badger Army Ammunition Plant, U.S. Army Reserve Center West Silver Spring Complex (Silver Spring Complex), and Selfridge Air National Guard Base, including:
- Long term monitoring of groundwater monitoring wells
- Landfill operations and maintenance
- Management of land use controls
- Improvement of landfill cap and cover conditions
- Groundwater monitoring well network optimization
- Achieving site response complete
SpecPro also maintains the Badger Army Ammunition Plant, electronic document library and coordinates the Restoration Advisory Board meetings.
"The contractor’s consistent and timely performance has given the regulators confidence in the data provided. This has significantly increased cooperation and enhanced the relationship between the Army and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources"CPARS
“They have met or exceeded requirements in almost every indicator. The company aggressively addresses all non-conformities and has a robust quality system in place, truly independent of local management. Importantly, this company involves quality personnel in all planning as well as operational activities. This is a real strength of this organization.”CPARS
“This contractor is very easy to work with, an advantage of small size. There are no layers of management to work through. BTS, LLC worked hard toward customer satisfaction, making changes based on feedback quickly and effectively in all areas.”CPARS
“Locally, the senior staff stands out. They are involved, informed, and proactive. They truly believe in providing the best possible support for the installation and are constantly looking for ways to save Army dollars. This contractor deserves accolades. BTS, LLC emphasizes safety constantly and results of operations. Key Personnel management is excellent.”CPARS
“Management is very responsive to Army's needs. They are extremely flexible and try to anticipate demands upon them. That is essential for an installation support contractor. A great example is their paying attention to weather forecasts in the winter. They had a task to plow snow and were proactive in scheduling assets based on forecasts, allowing the installation to remain open in bad winter weather when other activities in the area were closed.”CPARS
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